Monday, June 13, 2011

Edible Weekend


My version of the breakfast sandwich:

Sourdough english muffin - toasted
A slice of extra firm tofu - sprinkled with turmeric and a little salt, then grilled
A slice of vegan Canadian bacon - grilled with the tofu
Dijon mustard
A smidge of Earth Balance vegan buttery spread

Assemble and attempt to eat slowly...

Kabocha Squash is the perfect squash for me, cuz I hate peeling squash and the peel of the Kabocha is edible!
Sometimes roasted, sometimes baked, sometimes added to soup, oh my? Oh yea!

2 cups of water
2 cups of bite size Kabocha chunks
Simmer for about 5 minutes until the squash is soft (but watch it closely it will turn to mush quickly)

Turn off the heat and add some Mellow Miso to taste
Serve simple.

Or you can:

Add some udon (I like the kind in the refrigerated section, it only takes 3 minutes to cook)
Add some kale during the last 2 minutes of cooking
Top with scallions
Top with cilantro